Kiddie travel toilet. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.
What a three year old should know
If you feel the need to go
Find the toilet in a rush ...
knickers up, then you flush
What a ten year old should know
Do not touch another's things
Yes, go with the flow, not with
Another's pens, computers, rings
What's yours is yours,
What's theirs is theirs
Don't play pranks
Nor pull out chairs
Respect the flag of every nation
Check change when buying and selling
Learn correc pronunciation
Watch for typos and correct spelling
Don't hit others, don't hair pull
Don't push, don't make faces
Don't call names, act the fool
Act like adults, wear hats in all places
Be kind to the deaf and blind
Don't seek revenge, seek to be friends
Say 'sorry', Shrug ,'I don't mind'
That's better for you both in the end
What's your aim, what's your mission
Don't wound nor end up wounded,
Nor spend your years in prison
Stay grounded, by joy surrounded
In school you make friends for life
Guard school's and your own reputation
Find a business partner, wife
Be a credit to your nation.
Don't take candy from a stranger
Always be aware of danger
Don't pick up dead creatures, pet or kick strange dogs
Don't drop rocks, dive off cliffs, nor roll logs.
Don't drive cars when under age
Do not drive too far too fast
You're still at the learning stage
You have a life, make it last
Don't lure soldiers or police
Don't throw sticks, stones, bullets at them
Keep away, survive the day
Toys not guns. Please say amen.
Be proud of your uniform
Check which clothes should be worn
Check times and dates, have all things planned
Find out what's permitted, and what's banned
Note the time and plan your day
Eat and sleep at the right times
Before bed, put your toys away
Beknown for good deeds, not for crimes
Silly games can end in murder
Don't take risks, take the stairs
Life is hard, just try harder.
Stand on ladders not on chairs
Keep books on the shelves,
Not on the floors
Make the bed early
Don't block the doors
Everybody has a choice
You can be a saint or sinner
Be good, build, make the whole world proud
Then go safely home to dinner.