Friday, June 7, 2024

Why Was He Running? Comic poem number 427 by Angela Lansbury

 He was running, running, running

I stared - he was not one of us

Why was he running, urgently?

I see, he's running for a bus ,,,

I stopped, watched, 'cos if he'd missed it

I would have sighed and felt quite sad

But that's wonderful, he caught it

He's just a stranger, but I'm glad

Sometimes when its a rainy day

I'm sad, no reason, in a tiz

But today I'm feeling happy

Sometimes that's just the way it is

I enjoy the warmth of sunshine

I wear a pretty summer dress

A stranger's joy is now made mine

I share a stranger's small success

Sweetheart, the moral 's quite simple

If you are caring, wait awhile

Sorrows and worries fade away

When you share someone else''s smile.


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