Saturday, June 1, 2024

Roses Without Thorns To Greet The Dawn comic poem number 426 by Angela Lansbury

Orange rose. Garden. Hatch End. UK. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

 \You can write a poem

About roses, or thorns

You can write a poem

About the trash or dawn

I could write a poem

I really think I should

It has more chance of lasting

If I write about what's good

So I'll write about the roses

Which greet me in the morn

To make me pleased picking posies

They raise their heads at dawn

I need to have two good thoughts

For each bad one every hour

I 've solved the whole world's problems

Just think of a pretty flower.

I should be like the roses

Not thinking about doom

You can fill the place with gloom

Or spread your perfume through the room.


Line 11 To make sure I'm happy is funnerie because it projects a purpose onto the flowers, gives myself centre of the world importance, which is absurd, yet reflects the problem with self-centred depression, but posies rhyes with roses

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