Tuesday, June 25, 2024

British Weather comic poem 434 by Angela Lansbury

 The glum British always complain

About the British weather

We winter holiday in Spain

Their spring weather's also better.

Rain in Spain, on the mountains, not the plain. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

Until the day the rains come down

End hiking, one day's sun is missed

Go shopping, see town sights instead

Enough rambling, bad weather's bliss

I've set an app to count my steps

It reassures, I'm doing goo

Climb steps up towers, museums

Then stop for sangria, new food.

The rain in Spain won't fall on plains

See the Picos peaks are clothed in green

Rain water helps tall trees to grow

Paints the keen photographer's scene.

Maps show tourists new things to do

Afternoon sun shines down again

Weather's like home, shops not like home

Try paella and don't complain.


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