Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Do you Know Anyone Like This? There's Always One comic poem 430 by Angela Lansbury

Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright. Mist on Picos de Europa. 2024. Copyright.

 There's always one man who gets lost

Who gets some worried, others cross

Up the mountain, national park

Late, off alone in the deadly dark

He's the trouble-making winner

Asks us, 'please save me some dinner

The cable car's shut for the day

So I'll zig zag down, find my way ...

'I hope I'll be back by midnight

I'll see you in the morning's light.' 

At breakfast he is unconcerned

He's never learned lessons others learned

We leave it to our trusty Matt

To write our thoughts, a diplomat:

'Newbies concerned at your undertaking

Friends know you escape - problems of your own making.'


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