Tuesday, June 11, 2024

When You Were Sleeping comic poem number 428 by Angela Lansbury

Bedroom with view of Halong Bay, Vietnam. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

Where do you go to

When you're fast asleep

Up in the clear sky

Down in the dark deep?

Are you sweet and loyal

And in my loving arms

Or falling for others

Seduced by a ghost's charms?

Are you tidying up

In frantic, worried rush

Putting superstition

In its place in the trash

Or muddling our chatting

What we did in the day

Instead of tidying

Our memories away?

'You've slept for too long, dear

Now you won't sleep tonight!'

I hope in my long sleep

My mind put the world right.'

My minds taken a hike

Through my minutes and hours

I just need to sort out

Life's weeds from the flowers

My mind is upgrading

It's in for a repair

Needs a good overhaul

Like you washing your hair

It's doing its sorting

No call out and no cost

It's doing a clear out

Looking for what you've lost

But while you were sleeping

The whole world has moved on

Will I wake to summer

And find war has moved on?

I hope all this sleeping

Will help curing my health

I'll write down what I learned

As a note to myself.


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