Sunday, May 19, 2024

Mosquitos, What Everybody Knows, comic poem 416 by Angela Lansbury


My Floret fly spray. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

As everybody educated knows

I don't like fleas, big bees, wasps nor mosquitos

I don't like to see bites on my fingers

Nor my face, legs, body, back or toes

I do not like to hear them flying past

A sudden silence fills my mind with dread

I don't like them flying, living, dying

I'm not even keen on them drop dead

I don't like them flying around my house

In the kitchen, shower, bath, near the bed 

I don't like one anywhere near me here

I fondly wish them somewhere else instead

If they are gone tomorrow we'll forget

On bad days, things could be worse, they're a curse

Each job, ask or task could be much worse yet

By adding in bites from a mosquito.

Now I've sprayed away, is there any good

When you hear that whine, droning mosquito? 

I've no measles chicken pox, polio

Shingles, meningitis, no tests - I know

No harm from friendly spiders, helpful bees

Good! Not meningitis nor impetigo

No rashes, scorpions nor a hornet

It's just the buzz - of losing a mosquito.

Windows are open, hope it won't take long

Before enemy number one has gone

Then I can sing a happy, cheerful song

About the right to right a dreadful wrong.


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