Thursday, May 23, 2024

Priori-tea - Writing comic poem 419 by Angela Lansbury


What is today's priority?

It's different for you and me

For some it's coffee; others tea

For some it's you; for some it's me

What do we have to do today?

For some work first, for others play

For some it's laugh, for some it's weep

For some it's exercise, or sleep

I'm waiting on the telephone

Wait for a train, or wait at home

I fly a plane, they fly a drone

Donate money, or seek a loan

For some it's sweep, or paint the house

Look for lost cats, or catch a mouse

Watch the waves, or sniff the flowers

Fill a diary, waste the hours

Each minute I can save or lose

I have a choice, but I must choose.

To help me sort the list I see

Prioritize a cup of tea.

What must I do next, should I cook?

A writer ought to write a book

Get dressed in my best, wash my hair

Or sit down on my writer's chair?



A Writer's Chair by Angela Lansbury. May 23rd Thursday 

 2024. Copyright.

Please share links to your favourite poems

I changed ask for to seek, to save a syllable and keep the eight syllable system. Decorate the house became paint the house.

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