Thursday, July 20, 2023

Comic Writer and Editor - comic poem number 199


There twice was a poor, rich comic writer

Who wrote to a poem book editor

She wrote, 'I write poems, as you can see

If you need some poems, why not call me!

'I can write an amusing limerick

I promise no four-letter words in it

And cautionary tales about naughty fools

Just the thing for teachers at failing schools

'I can write you a classical sonnet

With a caricature of a dinosaur on it ...'

I've been planning this poem for twenty years

I hope it'll move you to laughter - or tears

As soon as you can, relieve my distress

Please send an advance. I trust you'll say yes

If commissions for me aren't piled high on your plate

Just note down my details - if I must, I can wait.

"Thank you for reading so far, can't complain

Angela Lansbury's my memorable name,

I can write a poem about your name too

Whatever you need, prose or poem, I'll do."

"A poem, or novel, or begging letter

Is hard to start, you think you'll do better

You write and rewrite, and stay up half the night

 It still doesn't look right, when re-read in daylight.

 "The difficult part is not how to end it

The hardest part is the courage to send it.

Some poems are written to cause a commotion

But others are glimpses of hidden emotion.

Some poems aggressively rumble and shout

Some poems let author's wild anger break out

Others whisper a secret, share common distress

"Do you feel this, too?" The sweet reader nods, yes.


Copyright Angela Lansbury. Friday 21st July 2023 at 3.29 a.m. 

I changed fire anger to wild anger. Fire is stronger and more original. But wild is easier to read and perform.

Why not buy both! See and /

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