Tuesday, September 3, 2024

S Small Grreen Bird Dropped In For Tea comic poem 467 by Angela Lansbury

Yesterday, dears

One small green bird

Dropped in for tea

We saw and heard

And that small bird

Reminded me

Of red robin

Which came to tea

Maybe to see

Just you or me.

I said hello

It blinked one eye

I wondered why

It didn't fly

I'll tell you why

I think I know

Some birds don't speak

No goodbye. Go.

They perch and peek

They have a cheek

Season't harvest

Gone in a week.

I eat my lunch

And then they come

Ready to pounce

On delicious crumbs

Birds grab a crumb

In their sharp beak

Though small, not weak

Find what they seek

I fondly think

I've found a friend

But food, not friends

Seems their whole end

Yet that green bird

Has made me think

When it stopped by

To eat or drink

I'm sorry when

It flew away

That charming bird

Had made my day

A cat's around -

The singing's stopped

I'll just listen

To my bird clock.

My bird clock. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.


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