Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Artitifical Interlligence comic poem 468 by Angela Lansbury

 I can see why

Teachers are cross

At AI work

The pupil's loss

When work's returned

The task not read

No facts instilled

In pupil's head

The same is said

Of contest rules

Or prizes go

To AI fools

AI is new

To our culture

But I believe

It's our future

When I'm alone

It saves me time

Like alarm clocks

More time is mine

You only have

To simply ask

AI will do

The routine task

It's like mother

It's like teacher

Judge and jury

God and preacher

Soon it will make

Our life go round

And be a help

With lost and found

All the new things

Cause rejection

Later, are kept

On inspection

Sewing machines

Can save us time

A Coravin

Saves opened wine

When you are old

Drivrless cars

When this world dies

We'll live on Mars

Drones deliver

A rocket bus

Think how much more

It'll do for us


Sits beside her

Makes up her milk

And moves the spider

It cooks breakfast

And cleans the house

Travel online

It moves the mouse

End depression

And pessisim

AI will send

Just optimism

One day we'll find

It sorts all mess

We'll say AI

Thank you, God bless.


AI generated watercolour of Van Gogh

Illustrations and sources of illustrations from

The word mouse is abiguous.\

Pleases hare links to this and your other favourite poems from my blog.

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