Sunday, March 26, 2023

Positive Thinking - poem 171

Where can we begin? Tell the sinners, no sin 

Call a dripping tap - a waterfall

Tell the fat ones, no lie, they're looking thin

Speak well of all, tell the small ones they're tall

Tell all the frowners how you love their smile

Note in September, swear you remember

You'll find they smile in a little while

Send named Christmas cards, early December

How does a photographer make guys smile?

Think of favourite food, I think of cake

Keep awards on your walls, photos in files

That's how I smile 'though I've  made a mistake

If you can't find a good words for the bad dead

The mourners a mixture of angry and glum

Praise loving, forgiving parents instead

Say, see silver linings in each act done

When you've done your best, but failed every test

When thoughts headed north - but the words headed south

When you tried to speak well, but only spoke ill

Mistaken, badly taken, foot in mouth

When you say sorry, they're not forgiving

They say, 'Sorry's too late, wrong words are gone,'

Don't give up, mate, your life's still worth living

They're still cross? Their loss - it's time to move on

Everyone fell when they were a child

Some got the blame when they were good

Most were or knew teens who went wild

Some, sometimes failed, or feared we would.

Find somebody new, who hasn't a clue

Pretend you are older, wiser and know

As for each fall, you've seen them all

Just listen, nod, eye roll, laugh, smile, and glow

Never complain and never explain

The folk in old folks homes don't know your name

Your old boss gets Alzheimer's, he'll soon forget

The world's full of youngsters you've not yet met

When you are old, darling, if truth be told

Shrug, forget bad things said, by friends long dead

Old enemies greet you like long lost friends

The few left - so glad to meet you again!.


copyright Angela Lansbury 2023 March 27th

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Look for Angela Lansbury poet, Angela Lansbury travel writer, and my photo. Books include Poetry Workbook. Improve your English. How to be the Best Man. Grief and Us.

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