Saturday, March 25, 2023

Wild Otters Seen In Singapore Comic Poem 168 by Angela Lansbury


Wild Otters Seen in Singapore

Comic Poem 168

By Angela Lansbury


[10:30, 26/03/2023] Angela Lansbury BA Hons:


The otters came to eat pond fish

All three of them, a family

Large fish, carp, are a tasty dish

‘Chase them off!’ “Rather you than me!’


The guards ran up, they shouted loud,

The otters scarper, we're a crowd,

A dead fish thrown into a bin

Pristine, curved eye - and fanned out fin?


But stiff, still, with a gaping mouth?

‘Don't eat it, it will make you ill !’

‘What’s to be done? High barriers?

Tough love - big otter carriers!’


Although our link with nature’s lost

‘We must think of safety, of health

The condo must count costs, what’s lost

Consider all, not just oneself.’


‘No matter what we did, or saw

Call the Otter Society

Today hang back, obey the law

Let them act - with propriety


‘Block the canal, their route, but do

Let raging water filter through …’

Then we won't see, another night,

Such charm, delight, and fright, excite.


Copyright Angela Lansbury

 Photo from Wikipedia article on otters.

Local Report on otters which seem to be smooth coated otters.

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