Friday, July 5, 2024

Pack, Pack, Bring My Case Back! comic poem 436 by Angela Lansbury


Suitcases. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

Pack, pack. Pack, pack. Take out. Put back

Consult the list. Nothing must lack

The trouble's weight, like a coal sack

I'm worried it will break my back

I'll end up home helped by a crutch

The reason is I've packed too much.

I set off with all that I love

I lost a shoe but gained a glove

I seem to do this every time

Once claimed a case which wasn't mine

Next time I'll make sure that we share

Can't say, I've not a thing to wear

Once we travelled to the stations

Both on business, different nations

Both together to the airport

Gave matched luggage no second thought

Our only thought, 'Are we on time?'

We both made it, so all's fine.

Matching black suitcases - his switched with mine!

My bag will have pink blooms next time.

Because, you see, I can't wear a pair 

Of Calvin Klein's men's underwear

And you can guess, he won't get far

Doing business in high heels and a lacy bra

Luckily he ran straight back

To give me what he knew I'd lack

It wasn't for a farewell kiss

But my suitcase I'd sorely miss.


True story. My husband and I had matching suitcases, black, and both had departure times the same day. He picked up my suitcase. The way he tells the story, I picked up his.

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(And my other blog posts.)

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