Saturday, July 13, 2024

Muddle Puddle comic poem number 439 by Angela Lansbury

Angela Lansbury contemplating, wearing a Union Jack red white and blue wig. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

My life's a path with a puddle

My mind's filled with tangled muddle

My photos unfocused, sideways

And sometimes upside down

You can save yourself some heartache

Over littered spelling mistakes

Alert, correct automarrect

One small brain's effort's all it takes

But with a little effort more

I turn my attitude around

Pay myself a neat compliment

Praise has such a pretty, sweet sound

I don't drive the wrong way round

I drive the scenic long way round

I don't frown, like a surprised clown 

I wear frowns and smiles upside down.


Copyright Angela Lansbury but please share a link to my post and a couplet or verse with attribution.

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