Sunday, December 20, 2020

How to write a Christmas card poem + Comic Poem No 131 Christmas Crackers


 1 To write poems for cards in advance, select an occasion, or series of occasions, such as:

Anniversary, Birthday

Christmas, Belated Christmas

New Year

Religious Christian/Other religion such as Jewish Hanukah/Secular

Make a small file to store your first drafts. Write down rhymes or rhythms or free verse ideas.




Beloved Cats, Dogs naughty or missed, pets, annoying or cute.

Animals: flocks of sheep, manger, cows, sheep, donkeys👀

Domestic animals: birds, cats, dogs, rabbits


Transport: Sleigh, husky dogs, horses

Season: sun; snow; before and after.

Location: Middle East, Jerusalem 


Central People: baby Jesus/Jesus/ Mary💖

Visitors: three Magi, Shepherds, visitors, strangers, passers by

Garden, yard, trees, wood, forest✔



Food; Turkey 

Dessert: Christmas pudding, 

Tea time: Christmas cake, yule log, stollen, panettone

Wine: mulled wine, red wine, pink, white wine, bubbly, Champagne

Dinner, supper, midnight feast🎉

table, chair, tablecloth



candle, candle light


Gifts: parcel, present, wishes🌹🎁

Photographs Merriment: jokes, laughter,

Go through a dictionary of synonyms to find alternative words.

For example, 

tree, forest, branch, leaves, wood, fir, pine, cones

adore, appreciate, cherish, love, lust, love, marriage, show affection, worship

donate, gift, give, loan, present, share

family, love, mate, kith and kin, extended family, brothers and sisters, in-laws, significant other, mother, father, Dad, Mum, granddad, grandmother, grandchild, son, daughter, sweetie, offspring descendants

Go through a rhyming dictionary to find rhymes:

For example:

bed, head, bedhead, red, read, said, 👍

angel, bell, dell, Del, fell, heaven and hell, sell, tell, well

all, ball, call, fall, gall, hall, mall, pall, small, tall

bring, ding, ringing, ring, sing, singing, wing, winging, queen, king😃

Christmas day, far away, bay, gay, hay, holiday, jay, lay, may, neigh, pay, ray, say, tray, way

be, yet to be, Dee, fee, free, glee, he, me, see, she, tea, tee, three, tree, we, Zee🌴☘

wreath, beneath, heath, teeth

gift, lift, miffed, rift, sift, 😍

live, forgive

mice, nice, slice, spice🥠🍿🍓🍏🥕

above, love💖

prove, smooth, soothe

bow, doe, foe, go, ho-ho, Jo, Joe, loh, low, mow, know, no, row, show, snow, tow, woe

fleece, peace, 💋

calm, harm

been, dean, Dene, jeans, teens, lean, mean, teen, green, queen, seen, screen, wean,

Cream, scream 

cope, dope, hope

awoke, bloke, joke, mope, nope, Pope, rope, soap, woke😊🎉

clappy, happy

clap, mishap, tap

go, know, mistletoe😜

heaven sent, ornament, well spent✔

beer, clear, fear, year💕

Read your poem to another person or two or three to get their ideas, objections and corrections and additions to the subjects, recipients, people and events described.

Look up other Christmas cards to see their messages.

Find your previous year's Xmas photo for inspiration.

Useful Websites

About the Author

Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author and speaker, fashionista. Please share links to your favourite posts or one or more of the blogs

Books include Wedding Speeches and Toasts (Ward Lock/Cassell)

Quick Quotations (

Christmas - Crackers!

by Angela Lansbury

When white snow paints rooftops and icy ground

When goodwill glitters grumbles all around

When sweet singing fills the frosty air

Ice skating, theatre, dark nights at the fair

When the golden bells are ringing

When the well-dressed choirs are singing

When people madly, badly dance in red and green

When parcels, ribbons, bows are seen

When the winter trees are green

Bright lights are white, or new and blue

When the seasons turn around

That's when thoughts turn from them to you

I think of a wide-eyed laughing child

I think of teens, parties so wild

I think of happy times we had

I think of you and I feel glad

Whether you're near or far away

Those best of times will always stay

That cinema inside I see

Re-plays happy days for you and me

So thank you for fond memories

For over-eating festive food, and sleeping after toasts with fizz

Our photos show the safety mask we know

Thoughts of bad and good old days make new days glow. 

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