Friday, August 30, 2024

What Shall I Wear? Dreamy Dress, Dreamy Hair comic poem number 464 by Angela Lansbury

 What's shall I wear?

I'll comb my hair

I'll ask my spouse

They do not care

I'll wear a hat

Look good in that

Take off my glasses

No blind as a bat

Fake fur like a cat

Ask strangers, chat

Do I look fat?

They do not want to answer that

I'll have to diet

On the quiet

What do I weigh

I dare not say

Surprising what

Mirrors don't show

What only I

And my unerwear know

What am I saving this silk dress for

Who can remember what I wore

They can't even be sure

If we've ever met before

What Shall I wear

I'll wsh my hair

Dress for an imaginary

Milionaire - or billionaire

Sometimes you are dressed up in dreams

But the world's not what it seems

Your clothes are splitting at the seams

And the president is wearing jeans

In dreams I am dressed like a queen

My clothes are not vintage has-been

My wardrobe's like theaatre scenes

Each dress has pockets full of dreams.


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