Monday, August 26, 2024

Givers and Takers comic poem number 463... by Angel Lanssbury

Angela Lansbury at a Toastmasters International meeting as Project Evaluator. Copyright Angela Lansbury.

Some people are givers

Some people are takers

Some people are builders

Some people are breakers

Some good people are like me

Some good people are like you

Some  puzzled ask us what to do

Some certain tell us what to do

Though some are smart and some are fools

They all can follow simple rules

To save their money and build wealth

To exercise and guard their health

Some people are fixed from age three

Others are late developers

The world is full of different kinds

When in need, look for kind helpers

Some people nod, 'Wise words are nice ,'

Others shout, 'Don't give me advice!'

It looks good to help out strangers

Never put yourself in dangers

When old fok and places have gone

Make time to mourn, but then move on

Find the best which you can preserve

Give out praise to those who deserve

There's time for work so do not shirk

There's sme for fun and time for play

Use each hour of every day

And always put your toys away

A place for all, all in its place

And put a smile on every face

When no friends are in the room

Contact colleagues and friends on Zoom

Don't moan if you must work from home

If you must, then do what you must

To avoid Covid and the flu

Choose protection which you can trust

You can wear shorts, flip flops or silk

Any time, drink coffee oor tea

Select full cream, order skimmed milk 

Wine, water, your choice, you are free


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