Monday, August 5, 2024

How Are You? comic poem 454 by Angela Lansbury

 How are you?

Are you well?

If you're not

Please don't tell.

Do not say, 'I"m tired, and old,'

Do not say, 'too hot,' 'too cold'

Above all else, never say

I'm very busy. Go away.' 

I've got problems

Of my own

Be like me

Leave yours at home.

When a new boss

Asks, 'How do you do?'

Say, 'Very well, thank you, 

And how are you?'

Bow your head slightly and shake hands

Do like the others in this old land

Just remember, 'How do you do?'

'Very well, thank you, How are you?'


Please share links to your favourite poems and posts. 

My books on Poetry and writing poetry are on Amazon,com


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