Saturday, August 17, 2024

What Does A Cow Do? 458 A comical poem in praise of cows and poets, by Angela Lansbury

Cow puppet photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

 I bought a cow puppet to amuse you

To tell you what cows usually do

In England we speak English, cows say moo

Because that is what we claim all cows do

What do cows in empty fields do all day

They are not like bulls, all work no play

All bull's job is to meet and greet, meet cows

To make friends fast - make calves. I can't say how

A cow's job's not pull nor push nor lift

A cow gives all of us a special gift

On supermarket shelves many types seen

Semi-skimmed, whole, organic, Jersey cream

A cow just eats and eats, what an easy life

Listens to music, not a lot of strife

It's out in summer, shelters in a shed

Don't count sheep to fall asleep, count cows instead.

How do working farmers make their money?

They sell milk from cows. From bee hives have honey

Some folk don't eat meat, but still love to eat

What can they do? Eat greens and say boo to you.

Silk worms eat mulberry trees make silk

From green grass the contented cows make milk

That's what insects and animals can make

What of us? Poems are what we create.


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