Sunday, August 11, 2024

Machines Challenge For The Housewife and Holidaymaker comic poem 456 by Angela Lansbury

 I work hard, I lead such a busy life

Don't insult me, I'm not just a housewife

The dustpan hides, but no machine's meaner

Than my huge, heavy, clumsy, noisy, vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaner controls. Picture by Angela Lansbury. Copyriht

It's twelve extensions stay a mystery

Three years struggle - deserves a PhD

I bravely turn the old waste disposal

Good. It works. Then I turn it off again

But it continues whirring. Whirring. No!

To God, then Google, I complain - explain!

I turn it on and off. Heat and loud noise

No luck I tut. I hear metallic cough

I don't want a new one, although it's old

Non-stops a fire risk. Silence would be gold

Why pay more. It clears, peelings, smelling mess

Turning on and off again often's best

That's the engineer's secret, we confess

Process of elimination - success.


I don't want my life to be all work and no play

I don't want to stay, so I go on holiday, 

Wrong exit, drive miles, park, near tears, collapse

A kind man taps, 'Your phone has Google maps!'

In the conference centre I waste precious hours

This bathroom's designer never showers

People set off fire alarms, stayed dirty, scalded, grew old,

 Trying to decipher, the hot wheels from cold

I won't bore you more with battles with doors

The treats you like burglars, treats you like fools

You must find and press a hidden button,

You find it, turn it, slide it, push door, then pull

In the bedroom there's no bedside table, 

You must find your glasses when you're able

I don't like to complain, I don't want to be cruel

They've no table, spare chair, take a bar stool

Handy bibles, no sockets for your phone! 

Other guests frown, so you are not alone, 

A challenging week, you're too tired to speak

You've learned the system - it's time to go home.


2024 Aug copyright Angela Lansbury

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