Sunday, August 4, 2024

Look in a Book comic poem/song number 453 by Angela Lansbury


I look in a book and what do I see?

See the wide blue sky and a tall green tree 

There's a big red boat on a wide blue sea

And a big white sea gull looking at me

I look round the room and what do I see?

A gold box has a black key in the lock

The day has lots of long free hours to spend

This weekend's fun is playing with a friend

First let's open the toy box, my first task

Wait, how can I do it? Should I do it?

Who can I, should I, ask? What will we see?

I ask my friend, and we too agree

I often ask my mum, I can ask a dad

Tell me, please, how much good fun can be had?

Is it fine for me to open the box?

Can I, may I - open all of the locks?

What if everyone's working or busy?

I must wait but won't get in a tizzy

I can eat some fruit, I can have a drink

Orange fruit. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

I can look around, I can have a think

I could ask an uncle, auntie, teacher, 

Ask a family friend or a preacher

I could ask an adult, someone who's large

Ask the important person who's in charge.

I'm always delighted to hear them say

Yes, you can, and, you may, it's okay

Let's look in the box and find a big book

We look in the box and find a small book

 We look in a book and what do we see?

A wide blue sky and a tall green tree 

A big red boat and a wide blue sea

And a little red robin looking at me.


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