Saturday, October 12, 2024

A Happy Bedtime Poem For Adults. comic poem number 475 by Angela Lansbury

 Why do I want to write a poem

 When it's time to go to bed?

Is there nothing more important

Filling, spilling from my crammed computer-like head?

Why don't I design a garden city?

Or a ribbon party dress that's sequin pretty

Or a useful theory which explains

And cures midnight's imagined aches and pains?

Is a poem procrastinating, just a helpful way

Of sorting out a tangled, mangled busy day

Of pushing out and clearing cluttered stress

Creating dreams from a waste basket of rcycled mess

Like baking a new cake from melted fears

A sprinkling of almond smiles and iced roses of laughter

Thawing ice cubes of peppery tears 

To make thoughts of happy ever after?

Instead of writing tomorrow's vital shopping list

Imagining I'm dancing, hugged, loved, stroked and patted, petted, kissed

Hearing the hushed voies of all those I'm glad to know

Reciting, reading a crescendo of vivid colours of the rainbow

A poem's not a waste of precious ticking time

Maybe yours -  just the old ones, but never, none of mine

Mine fit me perfectly, like hand in glove

Cliches crossed out, new thoughts knitted neatly, spotlighting love

So I can sweetly sleep, dreaming of skies of perfect blue

And northern lights in arches and waves of vivid pink

My thoughts like happy pairs of bluebirds fly to you

Refreshing us like sipping shared, long, cool, coloured summer drinks.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Hallloween - what does it mean? Comic poem 474 by Angela Lansbury

 Halloween, what does it mean, Halloween

Could I be the queen  of our Halloween

Where evil things are just laughs, so it seems

Halloweens colour is orange, not green

Hollween means orange, purple and black

If you face paint then there's no going back

If autumn excitemen is what you lack

Ride ghostly trains on a ghastly track


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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Today's Tomorrow comic poem by Angel Lansbury number .474..

 I had such a delightful day 

With family, old and new friends

Sweet food and good thoughts flowed my way

Who'd want such a sweet day to end

But when with shock I saw the clock

Careless joy was turned to sorrow

What I thought was early today

Already early tomorrow 

I must protect body and head

Be good always do the right thing

Tiptoe to welcome soft-hard bed

Remove glittery rhinestone rings

Green fish ring. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

I let myself sink in a dream

Where soothing nonsense words are heard 

Where mud seem to be bright and clean

Magic glamour of the absurd

All jumbled up was my whole week

I'd fallen in a coffee cup

Maybe my toe caught in the sheet

Over sugar rocks, I climbed up

In dreams I'm young and I am bold

Although my right leg's feeling cold

And I forget I'm getting old

Tomorrow will be good I'm told

I happily made my escape

Out of my bed, grab, I'm falling

The light told me it was daybreak

Hot breakfast croissant was calling

Well, life moves on, what can I say

Tomorrow now is yesterday

'though its tomorrow's now today

Hurray, future's still far away.


The title is ambiguous. It could mean the tomorrow of today, or the tomorrow is today.

I need to protect my body and head - more than my eight syllable pattern, I must protect body and head - that's eight syllables.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Birthday Card Comic poem 473 by Angela Lansbury

 You often need bright birthday cards for friends

And cards to show care for close family

Searching's fun, or can drive you round the bend

You can personalise with poetry

What can I make, a big card or small cake

The answer to that question is not hard

Last year I made myself a photo cake

Sometimes I make personal books or cards

Our darling likes sport, goes with her spouse to ski

In ice cold snow winter or melting spring

Won't economise, books the best hotel

Likes silver ear-rings, or diamond rings

She won't waste, sells second-hand, and won't  shirk

While others read books she busily cooks

Daytime, evenings, Sundays she'll plan her work

Buy big events, hats and designer hooks

She walks out to parks, strolls, looks about

But equally she's happy staying in

Loves to eat well, thinks that diets are hell

Only in theory wants to be slim

She's travelled wide, both near and far

She can swim, float, or sunbathe on a boat

She's multi-skilled, drives and parks a big car

Rarely needs sickness pills or antidotes

Keen restaurant owners rush to meet her

They make a fuss of the fussy eater

She checks the contents of every dish

Then her favourite choice is the choicest fish

She's had her share of the world's joys and ills

Counts out strawberries and vitamin pills

She'll phone her parents, video her brother

Her daughter thinks she's the world's best mother


Copyright Angela Lansbury September 2024

I found that all couplets was doggerel, the rhyme sounded predictable and forces I moved every third line  after the first line so the rhyming scheme changed from aabb to abab. That sounded much better.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Cranes Fly-Past poem 472

 I could say flying cranes look like dancers

Like runners, like swimmers, a horse's mane

They start a symbol of desolation

But ballet teams, not in isolation

After we've done our best to protect and protest

A fresh word and image brings peace, consolation 


Please share links to your favourite poems.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Family Of Beaming Birthday Boys And Grinning Girls comic poem number 471 by Angela Lansbury

Birthday cards. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

  The day you're born, it must truly be said

Mothers spend sleeping, or screaming, in bed

When you reach one, you don't know what it means

But when you're ten, you've got big group gift schemes

When you are twenty, you party plenty

But when thirty, you wish you were twenty

When you're forty, you wish you were thirty

Settled, or make up time being noughty

When you're forty, you wish you were thirty

When asked your age, you lie, or get shirty

When you're fifty, you wish you were forty

You feel old, even if you're still nifty

When you are sixty, it's time to retire

Wages are dwindling, ages grow higher

When you're severnty, you envy sixties

Youngsters are giants, friends are deaf pixies

When you're near eighty, tired, ready to drop

When somebody's thirty, you ask, care to swap?.


All the lines have ten syllables.

I saved a syllable several ties by changing you are to you're.   I saved a syllable by changing nearing to near. I saved a syllable by changing soebody to someone.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Can you remember? Couples Compare Memories comic poem 470 by Angela Lansbury

 Can you remember the first time we kissed

No, I can't dear, but if you say so, it was bliss

Can you remember our first meal together -

Was it a moonlit night? No - I recall rainy weather

Rain in Spain. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

'Can you remember your funny little car?'

'Yes it broke down (in our road) we didn't get far

The door closed, key jammed, climbed through the roof

We had to go out and home on the hoof.'

'Remember our famous friend?'

'Do you mean Philip Klein?

'I Praised their floor cushions, instead of sofas, didn't realise they were poor

When we left they gave a V sign - never saw them any more.'

'You had a lovely ginger friend. Slim and so well dressed 

What became of her? Did she marry?' "No. She died.

Yes. Very pretty. But silent. And depressed. 

Long aftewards I read that she'd committed suicide.'

'While it's nice to think we had fun when we were young

I lost all my teeth at seven, I was a pimpy teen

We worried about our past and what was to come

There's no point in hankering for what we could have been

'Let's have some food and drink today The past is the past

All the old times are gone, let's put them away

The good times didn't last but the bad times didn't last

I have got you here and now so let's enjoy today.'
