Thursday, May 11, 2023

A Poet's Promise comic verse 192 by Angela Lansbury

 Angela with her large pencil and pink diary in which she wrote this poem. Photo selfie by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

Every day I'll write a couplet

Even though it's just a droplet

Just to prove I am a poet

'cause I want the world to know it

How much more can I achieve

With just small progress every day?

With my tiny bite-size effort

Tasks don't seem like work, just play

I could learn another language

Wait 'til twenty years go by

Dull days drip out like hourglass sand

Decades pass fast, like a blinking eye

Will my dead diary just show shopping

Doctor, dentist, hospital?

If I add, 'Write daily poem!'

Obey alarms, it will enthrall

Yes, every day I'll write a couplet

Even though it's just a droplet

Just to show that I'm a poet

Bequeath a book, the world will know it.


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