If you don't like no poetry
Turn away, say it's not for me
Poets are from both far and near
From Pam Ayers to revered Shakespeare
There's Keats, we quote him all the time
Red as a rose and Auld Lang Syne
Don't go on a poet's diet
Keep fit with couplets, just try it
Try writing couplets, laugh out loud
Yes, quickly entertain a crowd
If you hate songs and poetry
Happy birthday, not you, just me.
copyright Angela Lansbury 2020 June 22
Turn away, say it's not for me
Poets are from both far and near
From Pam Ayers to revered Shakespeare
There's Keats, we quote him all the time
Red as a rose and Auld Lang Syne
Don't go on a poet's diet
Keep fit with couplets, just try it
Try writing couplets, laugh out loud
Yes, quickly entertain a crowd
If you hate songs and poetry
Happy birthday, not you, just me.
copyright Angela Lansbury 2020 June 22
About the Author Of This Post, Angela
Angela Lansbury, travel researcher/writer and photographer, author and speaker.
Author of Wedding Speeches & Posts, Etiquette for Every Occasion, Quick Quotations, Who Said What When?
You can contact Angela through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Braddell Heights Advanced Toastmasters on Facebook or Toastmasters Interntional.com find a club . Angela is a member of four Toastmasters Clubs and BHA IPP, Immediate Past President, and VP PR (Vice President Public Relations) for 20202-2021
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