Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weekend Gift Poem by Angela Lansbury Comic poem 2

Let's write a poem every day
The five day week ends Saturday
Read words aloud, sweep stress away
Relieved from work, allowed to play

Yes, this week I've worked hard enough!
Thought seeking rhymes in brains is rough
What sounded swell is turning tough
Let purists, jurists, judgers scoff

For no poem arrives too late
Except through Competition's gate
Revised too much and missed their date?
Create word gems, a winner's fate

What better way to pass the time?
Each verse a ladder you must climb
A problem solved with each paired rhyme
In coldest climes, make warm sunshine

I'm sure to raise a laugh, or half
While bubbling rhymes in bubble bath
In sarongs, trot life's happy path
Sing, glad we've shared our small, sweet laugh

Dog-friendly big eyes greet a third
Like perfume sniffed, your whisper heard
Share rose drinks, fun, wit, the absurd
Paint great palm forests from pearl words

Words like ingredients in a cake
When sleepy, tail-wag words will wake
When lonely it's a hug, handshake
A poem's lick's a gift to take.

Copyright Angela Lansbury Feb 1st 2014
Credit my words
Pay me in money, or chocolates
If you treat me to lunch, I will write you a poem!