Monday, February 24, 2014

Why I Must Dust - And You Must Dust! Comic poem 1

You'll Dust I Trust
by Hazel Nutter

I have to dust 'though I'd feel better
Painting pictures or penning a letter
If I left dust I'd cough and wheeze
My allergies would make me sneeze

I'd have red eyes, I'd sniff and snore
And so, although it is a chore
I'll Hoover, wash and dust some more
Clean folk live longer - that's the score

One boyfriend's flat was full of dust
His health and sense I did not trust
In his dust, large, I wrote my name
He'd dust before his next girl came!

I'm happy when I'm neat and clean
I'm glad Hoovers came on the scene

The new clean sweeps kept all alive
Before, graves tell, kids died by five

I knew someone really dirty
Don't know him now - he died at thirty
For me, cleaning's an hour or two
Then ten hours gained to write for you.

A restaurant, hotel, cafe
Will watch its business walk away
if everything is full of rust
Their profits lying in the dust.

What falls in open, cracked, milk jugs?
What lurks in dirty, long-haired rugs?
What feeds dust mites which feed bed bugs?
My friends who dust deserve my hugs.

2014 Feb 24
Written in response to the poem on Dust if you must reproduced in Facebook.
Comic poem number 1.

About the Author Of This Post, Angela

Angela Lansbury, travel researcher/writer and photographer, author and speaker. 

Author of Wedding Speeches & Posts, Etiquette for Every Occasion, Quick Quotations, Who Said What When?

You can contact Angela through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Braddell Heights Advanced Toastmasters on Facebook or Toastmasters find a club. Angela is a member of four Toastmasters Clubs and BHA IPP, Immediate Past President, and VP PR (Vice President Public Relations) for 20202-2021.

Feb 19 2022. I revised what fall in open white milk jugs

white jugs or white milk, to cracked, not just dust, but cracks, although the subject matter is dust.

I revised My friends who dust will win my hugs

I changed the alliteration to another alliteration which sounded more natural, 

to read My friends who dust deserve my hugs.

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