Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Home Made Marmalade comical poem number 518 by Angela Lansbury

Home made marmalade. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

Chinese New Year brings oranges

In England we import from Spain

Those bitter Seville oranges

Don't eat, make marmalade again

We do like things which are home made

Especially thick cut marmalade

We buy 2 bags of pectin, yet

Those jars of marmalade don't set

We've sometimes done it with success

Our resolve to research is strong

We'll tell you how to do it right

Also how not to do it wrong

You need two bags of oranges

You peel two kilos of the fruit

The pith, the pips, in muslin bags

Six sterile jars inside a boot

It takes him several hours a day

Fills two or three full, busy days

The effort that goes into this

Deserves medals, needs constant praise

We kid ourselves it's healthy food

But know the sugar content's high

If 'what you fancy does you good'

Finish the lot before you die!


The saying is 'a little of what you fancy does you good'. However, that is eleven syllables. One line over sounds odd and means rewriting and expanding every line. Or lines one and three of every verse. Five verses, ten lines to rewrite. I have other things to do today. I might come back another day and write version two.

Please follow my blogs. I have started about twenty, but the three which I work on every day are travelwithangelalansbury, dressofthedayangela and comical poetry by Hazel Nutter.

Please share links to your favourite poems or posts from my blogs. Have a day filled with rhymes rhythms and echoing lines of pretty poetry.

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