Thursday, July 18, 2024

What Is A Blog? Comic poem 442 by Angela Lansbury

A blog is a log, a diary

A daily message to you from me

A blog can publicise a cause

About my diet - no - helping yours!

 Blogs posts have themes. Each day write one

What's the point of writing a blog?

Blogs can be good fun for someone 

Who doesn't have a busy job

A blog can promote and sell work

Or record family and play

It's something serious you say

When asked, 'What did you do today?'

A blog needs to be creative

Like a speech from a Toastmaster

While you're writing and researching

It makes your slow time go faster

Sometimes on holiday you stop

You've fewer clicks. Is it worthwhile?

Unsure, re-start, get your reward

When someone says, 'You made me smile!'


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