Sunday, July 28, 2024

On Growing Older comic poem 447 by Angela Lansbury

Author Angela Lansbury. Photo by Travor Sharot Copyright.

 They say, 'Age is just a number,'

But the number's getting bigger

The old proclaim, 'I still feel young!"

Youngster's excahange looks and snigger.

First your glare at growing wrinkles

Dye and try hide roots of grey hair

 Then you start to admit our age

You retire and you no longer care

At first you go for exercise

A daily swim or biking

Start with one walking stick or two

One's a brolly, two means hiking

Some refuse a walking stick

And defy the march of time

I'm glad when others fetch a chair

And swap their higher seat with mine

With Alzeimer's your brain is full

Why don't feet don't hide a spare head

Some folk when it's their time to go

Shrug and think they'll be better of dead

I want to live as long as I can

I've always been that way

But now I'm older I like eating pickles

So my tastes might change one day.. 

Growing old is really easy

It's staying alive is hard

But I cross the roads carefully

Dearing of the royal Well done car.


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