Sunday, July 21, 2024

Painting Everywhere By a Three Year Old , Comic poem number 445 by Angela Lansbury


She's abstract painted everywhere

Up her arms, and into her hair

Over the sofa, on the door

Across the window, on the floor

She climbed high up, using a chair

Finds pencils on the shelf and then

She found a set of marker pens

And paints the walls without a care

Her father made her scrub the floor

He was not cross, but Mum might be

But it's a chore, "Don't let Mum see,"

She scrubbed half off, He said, "Scrub more!"

I text, "To ward off all these hells

You must invest in some small bells

Attach them to her feet or dress,"

"But what's what's she doing? You can't guess!"

Her father sighed and shook his head

"But when we are asleep in bed

Those bells will wake us when they ring

We'd need the bells on everything!"

I said, "You have to teach your child

Before she goes to start a task

Go and find your Mum or your Dad

Before you act, you always ask."

"Yes - she'll ask, may I paint the door

Or maybe, may I kill the frog

May I paint the floor

May I paint the dog?"

Granny, you can teach he

The vital words and sounds

I'll speak to her on zoom, 

Each minute twenty pounds

But you must hold her still

Recite with as well

When will she seek permission?

Only time will tell

Then at bedtime you play it back

The entire recording

Better than a lullaby

And for more rewarding.

Mummy, may I paint the front door?

Dad, may I kill the jumping frog?

Gran, may I paint the kitchen floor?

And may I paint the neighbour's dog?


Editing observations.

To cut syllables I changed have to into must.

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