Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Ava's Weekend Boat Fun comic poem number 451 by Angela Lansbury

Life is fun when you're big, and three

You can reach strawberries for tea

Open the top fridge on your own

You climb on chairs and feel at home

 Little Ava has lots of friends

With birthday parties at weekends

But when she has a day that's free

She goes out with her family

Sometimes it's to a nearby park

So they get home before it's dark

She loves swings, ropes and the long slide

Then she sleeps on a short car ride

She likes to eat a blueberry

For breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea

She likes to eat an olive, too

And thinks of handing one to you

She likes to eat with family

Sit on sofas to watch TV

Twice small Ava rode on a boat

In a life jacket, on the sea

Child wearing life jacket. Photo from Sharot Family. Copyright.

Her little shoes are on the floor

A pair beside the big front door

We ask her, 'Dear, whose are these shoes?

These pretty shoes, reds, pinks and blues?'

She picks up a shoe, she frowns and says

'This shoe is mine!' That shoe is mine!'

She opens the door. Weather's fine

She's ready to have a good time

 Little Ava has lots of friends

With birthday parties at weekends

But when she has a day that's free

She goes out with her family.


To get the right number of syllables, eight per line, I changed going out to go out.

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