Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Happy Ones Watch Wicked Tongues comic poem by 424

Are you spewing words of war

Of sharing words of peace?

Would your demise be a surprise

A tragedy or release? 

What did you learn from Tom and Jerry

When you were just a tot?

Did the story have a message

Which you, alas, forgot?

The happy, joyful words you say

Can brighten your hopeful today

And bring you joy tomorrow

To lighten all your sorrow

But it's tempting to forget

Your enemies, and yet, and yet

The danger is if you are blind

They creep up striking from behind

So if they're dead, just shake your head

And tut and tutu, the poor dead mutt

He came to a sticky end

And lost the chance to be my friend

But watch out for others just the same

With different or similar names

Now that you understand their games

You can decline to board their trains

When you are bored, feeling ignored

Just go where welcome is assured

But keep feet firmly on the ground

And whilst you're walking, look around

So, let your worries go away

But listen to what people say

Be sure you stay aware each day

Whether at work or just at play

Do not engage in jokes and pranks

Like pointing guns nor robbing banks

Don't pull hair, chairs, play dares, nor poke

So your life stays a happy joke.


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