Monday, May 27, 2024

Brothers and Sisters, Blessing or Curse? a comic poem 423 by Angela Lansbury

Smiley face magnet. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

Siblings share good, or bad, mothers

Feel closer than friends and others

Sweet sisters can help kindly, too

Relationships depend on you

Some are active, busy, doers

Money-making entrepreneurs

Others struggle like you and me

Dreamers who work for charity

If yourbrother or sister's rich

Don't insult, call them a bitch

Instead, shower flattery, praise

Then they might help you out one day

No point in pushing them away

Asking for money when you pray

If there's a God I'm sure he'd say

Shmooze your banks and brothers today.

A simple rule for those who shirk

Or don't do profitable work

Is tell rich friends, I desire you

Tell  rich siblings, I admire you.


Please share links to your favourite poems.

A sibling is a brother or sister.

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