Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Drink More comic poem 418 by Angela Lansbury

Angela drinking mango lassi. Photo by Trevor Sharot. Copyright.

 I think I need another drink

The drink I need's not what you think

I need drinks of sparkling water

That's the drink which I need after

I see the room of jollity

Where most are drinking more than me

What kind of company they keep!

That much wine would put me to sleep!

I see groups, serious drinkers

Expert tasters, genned up thnkers

They swirl, take notes and then they spit

Don't look like they like it a bit

But even when I merely sip

Soon no armomas meet my nose

I must admit I wriggle toes\\

Spill water on my shrimking clothes

I see teens full of  loud laughter,

Sharing some jokes, they shout and scream.

Someone says, dear, you've had enough

They're such a killjoy, so it seems

I think I know what I must do

Make a quick dash towards the loo

And then return to drink some more

Some more of what I liked before.

I like a drink full of bubbles

A sparkling wine to pop all troubles

Prosecco, cava or Champagne

Whatever it was, I'll have it again.


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