Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Peabody Hotel Ducks comic poem 469 by Angela Lansbury

It's not just luck to see a duck

You can keep one as a pet

I bet they make a lot of muck

I haven't tried it yet.

If you want to be sure to see

One, try Peabody Hotel, USA

One day I think I'll drive that way

See ducks for free and make my day.

French restaurants mean you eat well

But duck's not served in this hotel.

Their ducks are there for meeting and greeting

But the hotel ducks are not for eating.

Duck a lorange is everywhere

Except Peabody, it's not there

After your visit, I'm sure, my dear

You won't eat duck, until next year.


Ducks in the fountain.

The red carpet parade.

Ducks close up.

Overhead view of fountain with ducks and onlookers.

 Should I end with the words next year or New Year?

You can see a series of pictures in Wikipedia and on the hotel's website. The Peabody Ducks live on the roof of the hotel. Every day they parade down the red caret to music and end up in the hotel fountain for a few hours of the afternoon, until they ceremoniously return.  

Useful Website,do%20not%20have%20individual%20names.

Also in Memphis

Riverboat Cruise

Sun City Music Centre (where Elvis recorded)

Chines and Jewish museum

More galleries than Jewish ones and lots of Jade to see.

You miht like to read about quirky visits and cautionary tales on my travel blog, travelwithAgela Lansbury.

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