Thursday, September 5, 2024

Can you remember? Couples Compare Memories comic poem 470 by Angela Lansbury

 Can you remember the first time we kissed

No, I can't dear, but if you say so, it was bliss

Can you remember our first meal together -

Was it a moonlit night? No - I recall rainy weather

'Can you remember your funny little car?'

'Yes it broke down (in our road) we didn't get far

The door closed, key jammed, climbed through the roof

We had to go out and home on the hoof.'

'Remember our famous friend?'

'Do you mean Philip Klein?

'I Praised their floor cushions, instead of sofas, didn't realise they were poor

When we left they gave a V sign - never saw them any more.'

'You had a lovely ginger friend. Slim and so well dressed 

What became of her? Did she marry?' "No. She died.

Yes. Very pretty. But silent. And depressed. 

Long aftewards I read that she'd committed suicide.'

'While it's nice to think we had fun when we were young

I lost all my teeth at seven, I was a pimpy teen

We worried about our past and what was to come

There's no point in hankering for what we could have been

'Let's have some food and drink today The past is the past

All the old times are gone, let's put them away

The good times didn't last but the bad times didn't last

I have got you here and now so let's enjoy today.'


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