Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Family Of Beaming Birthday Boys And Grinning Girls comic poem number 471 by Angela Lansbury

  The day you're born, it must truly be said

Mothers spend sleeping, or screaming, in bed

When you reach one, you don't know what it means

But when you're ten, you've got big group gift schemes

When you are twenty, you party plenty

But when thirty, you wish you were twenty

When you're forty, you wish you were thirty

Settled, or make up time being noughty

When you're forty, you wish you were thirty

When asked your age, you lie, or get shirty

When you're fifty, you wish you were forty

You feel old, even if you're still nifty

When you are sixty, it's time to retire

Wages are dwindling, ages grow higher

When you're severnty, you envy sixties

Youngsters are giants, friends are deaf pixies

When you're near eighty, tired, ready to drop

When somebody's thirty, you ask, care to swap?.


All the lines have ten syllables.

I saved a syllable several ties by changing you are to you're.   I saved a syllable by changing nearing to near. I saved a syllable by changing soebody to someone.

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