Sunday, November 3, 2019

Yesterday's Rain Again Pain - Wiped By The Blessing Of Amnesia

Angela with silver-lined umbrella. Photo by Trevor Sharot, edited and cropped by Angela.

The blue sky said no umbrella
I strolled off in strong sunshine
All day long it's bright, no change
Except the gradual drip of time

The day's blue sky a fading dream
When I reached the edge of town
The path looked like a river
The rain was pouring, pounding down

Then when I left the station
I faced a dreadful shock
The clouds had emptied bucketloads
To drench each road and rock and block

The morning's sunshine haunts me
A dream I can't forget.
My sandals slosh through water
I hop from dry through swirling wet

The water's wet and dirty black
The only way's uphill and on
There's no point turning back
Just think, next year, this will be gone

What blessings come from water?
This monsoon could go on for days
It must make the flowers and trees grow
I hope the mist dispels the haze

My clothes cling wet, my hair hangs wet
I look like a half-drowned rat
I'm half way home, but not there yet
Rain cares not if you're thin or fat

I should have left home earlier
I should have packed spare socks
I should have done a hundred things
Not biked uphill past riverside rocks

My umbrella is far too small
The cloud is far too big
I should have worn a sombrero
Wellingtons and a wig

A journey of ten minutes
An obstacle race, takes half an hour
Strangers make friends, we share this war
They advise me, 'Have a hot shower!'

Next day by the pool, in sun again
Where the elderly can't remember
That yesterday it poured with rain
Their mind's in life's dead December.

The advantage of amnesia
Is that you forget bad days
If you suffer from dementia
You forget rain, complaints and praise

'It rained,' I say, 'it poured last night
That thunderstorm - you must have heard?
The sun, then rain?' I'll save such scenes
Preserve wet weather with wise words

I can move the memory away
My words paint over yesterday
And warm the world with what I say:
'Today's a lovely sunny day!'
Angela Lansbury
Revised Monday March 7th 2022. Copyright

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Good Sight For Your Site's Insights

Beware of bare bears.

A Good Sight For Your Site's Insights

I'll share my thoughts, like well-kept shares
Be bold and bare what I can't bear
Writers who mix up there and their
And mix the mix of Ware and where

Some poor souls are not poor, but pour
Their hearts out like bleeding harts, uncertain
Whether to hang themselves
Or just be hung like curtains

I shall not keep you hanging on
For you may be as busy as a bee
And keep on trying to earn your keep
So my dear friend please note this note

I'm near the end, the end is nigh,
Di's die is cast, it's do or dye
Pat pats my hand, there there, that's that
I'll send the dear deer end, and end - just like that.
Angela Lansbury
Copyright  2019
Shared to the website of D G Kaye

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Zoe The Zebra In The Zoo

Zoe the zebra in the zoo
She didn't have a lot to do
But slept and hid from me and you
Zoe the zebra in the zoo

Zoe's friends, a donkey and ass
Asked how those stripes had come to pass
Did you have to eat two colours of grass?
Were black and white both colour fast?

If you rolled in mud and the whites were lost
Would that make a zebra cross?
Then they went to ask the boss
Could they all try zebra crossing?

Zoe the zebra in the zoo
Said all those rumours were not true
About the things she'd had to do
To earn those stripes whilst in the zoo.

She's yin and yang and black and white
She is the most amazing sight
And after just one night of passion
Has bred another piece of fashion.

Zoe's the mother of Zachary
All zebras look the same to me
The fancy paintwork all comes free
They get it from the family tree.

Zoe the zebra in the zoo
Had lots of fun, you know it's true
Made zillions of heros in the zoo
Zipped off to make another two.

A journalist came down to see
If those exotic designs were free
He said, "I'll take you to my refuge city
You're a horse designed by a blind committee."

He said, "I think you've been abused
I'd like to do a painless test,"
But Zoe said, "I've always refused
I was born like this - just give it a rest!"

Someone naughty gave them booze
And so they went off for a snooze
Glad I'm not in the keeper's shoes
You've loads of dos and don'ts in zoos.

That is the A to Zed of it, 
There's no more to be said of it, 
Of our heroine there's zero
Zilch, just goodbye, from our hero. 
zzz ! 

Copyright Angela Lansbury 2019 Tues 29 October

Saturday, October 5, 2019

New York and Australia duet

We went for a walk around New York and I said, 
Let’s talk about New York

I said, 'The skyscrapers are a mile high ..!'
But he said, 'You can hardly see the sky!'

I said, ‘This is the place I want to live!’ but he said;
 ‘One of us has to give

'I want to live in Australia, 
the place where I was born

'I want to see the sunset
 in the place where I saw dawn

'You would love koala bears

And you'd love the kangaroos!'

But I said, "And be eaten by crocodiles!
But to you this isn't news.'

Then I was broken hearted 
and we sadly parted

But every year we meet again 
and we repeat the same refrain

I say, “Let’s walk around New York, 
Don’t you love it? Let’s have a talk,’

I say, ‘This is the place I want to live,’
But he says: ‘One of us has to give

'You’re the only thing I lack and 
That’s why each year I come back

'Yes, my dear, I love it here
But I'm going home to the beach and the beer

' 'cos I want to live in Australia,
 The place where I was born

'I’m going back, to see the last sunset, 
In the place where I first saw the dawn.’

D'you want to know the moral?
I know that you're not thick

But I assure you others are
Thick as two short planks and a brick

The lover's moral is think before
'Cos war brings love but love brings war 

Before you pick a foreign love
Decide if you're prepared to move

If not, the moral's plain to see
You'll end up single just like me.

I'd be the one who you forget
If it wasn't for the internet 

'I know you've a good memory
But others are a pain

'You tell them once, tell them twice
Then have to tell the story again.'

'Yes, I have a great memory
But I love to hear your voice

'I listen to the same old stories
Old friends don't have a choice

"I'd rather hear about old times
Than hear of other men

'So you tell me about our love
I'll hear it once again.'

We went for a walk around New York and I said, 

'Let’s talk about New York,'

I said, 'The skyscrapers are a mile high ..!'
But he said, 'You can hardly see the sky!'

I said, ‘This is the place I want to live!’ but he said;
 ‘One of us has to give

I have nothing more to say
But can't you meet me half way?

And so we went to London
Met on St Pancras station

But that was neither here nor there
Just a brief vacation

We went for a walk around New York and I said, 

Let’s talk about New York

I said, 'The skyscrapers are a mile high ..!'

But he said, 'You can hardly see the sky!'

'I want to live in Australia, 
the place where I was born

'I want to see the sunset
 in the place where I saw dawn.'

'So you stay there - and I'll stay here
Maybe we'll meet again - next year!'

Copyright Angela Lansbury
The penultimate verse sounded like he was about to commit suicide if young or die if old. I decided to give it a happy and humorous ending. The song structure is 'a round'.

Beer photo in Wikipedia under beer article, photo by kgbo.

Internet sculpture in Israel.

Date15 June 2013
SourceDr. Avishai Teicher via the PikiWiki - Israel free image collection project
AuthorDr. Avishai Teicher
(Reusing this file)
w:en:Creative Commons
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license.
Attribution: Dr. Avishai Teicher Pikiwiki Israel

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Soup Trick Limerick

There was a girl from Guadalupe
Who made the most delicious soup
She fed it to the local troops
So they were always cock-a-hoop
When they saw the girl from Guadalupe.

The proper way to write a hit limerick
Is to make the first line like the last
If you want to be read, repeated and heard
You need to observe how to order the words
The proper way to write a hit limerick.

You are never too tired, or busy, or sick
To spend a second on a limerick
It can hit heavy, wrong, long, like a dropped brick
Yet impress 'cause it's witty, often done slickly
Like life, love, and soup, short, over too quickly.

Inspired by the word Guadalupe, a city in Mexico.
Angela Lansbury, copyright Wed Aug 28 2019.
Revised with two extra verses 27 November 2021

The word trick in the title is ambiguous. A trick is both a deceit and a clever, quick, successful action.  

Harry Limerick

Harry was hoping to marry💘👫
A happy girl from Barry😀
But she strung him along
By singing a song
It was more worry than he could carry.
copyright Angela Lansbury
wed 28 Aug 2019

Monday, August 26, 2019

Running In The Gym

I see earnest people jogging
Running to the gym
And then I see them running
They are running in the gym

Where are they running?
Where are they going?
Are their minds racing?
There's no way of knowing

Are they running from their past?
Or chasing youth which will not last?
Or running to their fit future self
A mirage of fitness and health

Where will all this running end?
Why did it ever begin?
Let me in on the secret
The thought wipes grins, makes me grim

When I walk past the gym
I want to run away
I know I ought to be there
I really must - another day!

Now I swim back and forth
But I'm not in the open sea
I'm just in a huge swimming pool
But that's okay by me

But maybe runners think the same
That I'm playing a silly game
That swimming back and forth is funny
I'd be better off earning money

A running machine, a rowing machine
And a tiny towel to wipe it clean
Jim's answer to, "Where have you been?"
"I'm fit. Try it!" I saw him coming

At the end of life, how many will say
I didn't go anywhere today
I didn't have to dress to impress
I did my thing - that's my success!
Angela Lansbury. Copyright. Tuesday 21 Aug 2019.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

NDP 2019 Theme Song - Our Singapore [Official Music Video]

This is very inspiring. It might inspire you to write a song or a poem, or to record a choir, or to visit Singapore.

Tell Me Your Troubles Version 1

Do tell me all of your troubles
Deaths and divorces, don't ask mine
'cos I'll tell then regret it
I say too much, all the time

I'll tell the stranger on the train
Someone I'll never see again
So if they think I'm mad or bad
They won't say so and make me sad

I'll offload sadness and sorrow
To strangers who are gone tomorrow
Who won't still be there to remind me
So I can put it all behind me

But tell me all your troubles
So I can sympathise
I won't pretend I'm a success
No need to tell you polite lies

I won't tell you all my troubles
Revive what I'd rather forget
I don't dare tell uou the whole truth
Sometimes it's better not

Books talk about self-doubt
And the imposture syndrome
Ive come here for a holiday
To escape my problems at home

But I watch the woman confessing all
On stage, in poems, I sympathise
I want to tell you my truth and my lies
And share all with your smiling eyes.
Written at Swanwick Writers' Summer School
Angela Lansbury copyright Aug Sunday 25 2019

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Tell Me All Your Troubles version 2

Do tell me all of your troubles
Deaths and divorces, don't ask mine
'cos I'll tell then regret it
I say too much, all the time

I'll tell the stranger on the train
Someone I'll never see again
So if they think I'm mad or bad
They won't say so and make me sad

I'll offload sadness and sorrow
To strangers who are gone tomorrow
Who won't still be there to remind me
So I can put it all behind me

But tell me all your troubles
So I can sympathise
I won't pretend I'm a success
No need to tell you polite lies

I won't tell you all my troubles
Revive what I'd rather forget
I don't dare tell you the whole truth
Sometimes it's better not

Books talk about self-doubt
And the imposture syndrome
Ive come here for a holiday
To escape my problems at home

But I watch the woman confessing all
On stage, in poems, I sympathise
I want to tell you my truth and my lies
Unburden, share all with smiling eyes.
Written at Swanwick Writers' Summer School
Angela Lansbury copyright Aug Sunday 25 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

Secret Joys Of New Knickers Shared

I proudly wore my new knickers today
I found a brand new set hidden away
Still in the packet, brand new and bright clean
Not stained, faded, jaded, crisp gleam pristine

I wish you could see, dear - wish you were here.
The colours were bright and light and so clear
What joy to fetch, the elastic won't stretch
I've no fear they'll pop and shockingly drop

Try all, wear all three? Yes. No one will see 
I can or could, I feel happy and good
The colours are varied, red, white and black
I've lost the receipt - I can't take them back!

I'd found an old, new set hidden away
Proudly worn, soft silk, new knickers today.
No, no-one will know, so no-one will care
But it's a small joy I just had to share.

Copyright Angela Lansbury 2019 Aug 24
Comic poem.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Ark in the Park version 2

Noah started building his ark
All in secret, just for a lark
Near the dark woods and deep water
In a remote national park

But when building was nearly done
He grew tired of staying so mum
So called the family for fun
And said, "Let's take her for a run!"

They sailed around just as he'd planned
His boat, like a cruise ship, so grand
Unluckily when they reached land
The harbour master raised his hand

"You can't park that boat, not round here
It's far too large and far too near
I fear you'll cause an obstruction ..."
He stroked his chin in hesitation

Noah felt in pocket, no docket
But he had a gold coin or two
A bribe would get the man on side
He knew just what he had to do

He said, "You're good, but must act tough
Look, it's sunny, but waves are rough
We can't go, so could you move on?
Are these two, three, five coins enough?"

"The man looked over his shoulder
"Take them quick," said Noah, bolder
"Please be kind, don't raise the alarm
I promise, we won't do no harm

"We just need a lull in the storm
Good willing, we'll go in the morn
May I offer you tea inside?
Just take a look, have a free ride ..."

"No," said the man, "I must move on
Make sure by tomorrow you're gone."
Have a safe journey, wish you well
You ain't seen me. I'll never tell."

Waters rose. Noah slammed the door.
Stay or go? He still was not sure.
On balance, he thought, I'll wait, stay.
I've lost my map, don't know the way.

I'll get away with one more day!
Leave tomorrow, or two more days?
The sheep stop eating, the goats start bleating
What could he do? What should he say?

White, frothy waters splashed higher.
The sky grew grey. The drizzle was dire.
Mud sucked round - stuck in the mire!
Waves struck - the anchor floats away!

They drifted, circled days and days.
At last, dry flat land, they landed.
On a mountain top. "We're stranded!"
They all crept out and peered about.

Despite the flood, they're not alone.
They're in some other nation's home.
Dodos and dinosaurs are dead
Rabbits - and cockroaches - have bred.

Noah shows his boat, boasts his story
"Whales were huge, toothy sharks gory"
Lived on his tale 'til old'n' hoary
Found fortune, fame - eternal glory.
Copyright Angela Lansbury. Sunday 18 August 2019.
I created version 2 by changing every line to eight syllables, adding some more thoughts, such as the number of coins and alliteration. I expanded the last couplet to four lines. I overwrote the first draft.

Then I read it to my husband.
However, my husband said he'd preferred the original version.

So I copied version 2, before saving it, reverted to draft in the hope of getting back version 1, saved version 2 as a new document. I went back to the (revert to draft) version 1 and made sure I had shortened it and recreated the the more conversational tone and uneven lines.

I would be interested to hear which version you prefer.  You need to read both versions twice. Why? Because if you read version 1 then version 2 you might prefer version one because on reading version two you have lost the surprise effect of reading it for the first time. 

The Ark In The Park version 1

Noah started building his ark
All in secret, just for a lark
Near the dark woods and deep water
In a remote national park

But when the building was nearly done
He'd grown tired of staying mum
He thought he would take it out for a run
And called the whole family in for some fun.

They sailed around just as he'd planned
Such a big boat, like a cruise ship, so grand
Unfortunately when they came into land
A 'busy' official held up his hand

"You can't park that big boat, not around here
It's far too large and it's far too near
I fear you will be causing obstruction ..."
He stroked his chin in meditation, hesitation

Noah felt in his pocket, but found no docket
Only a coin or two
A bribe would get the man on side
He knew what he had to do

He said, "You're a kind-hearted man, but have to be tough
Altough it seems sunny, the waves are too rough
We can't move off, can you move on?
Ahem - are these coins enough?"

"Well, I don't know ..." he looked over his shoulder
"Take it quickly," said Noah, now growing bolder
"Don't worry, I promise, we won't do no harm
Don't raise the alarm, in a lull between storms - we'll be gone in the morn.

"Are you sure you won't have some tea inside?
Have a look around, and come for a free ride ..."
"No, no," said the man, "I have to move on
But make sure by tomorrow you're gone."

The waters rose. Noah slammed shut the door.
Stay or go? He still wasn't sure.
On balance he thought he'd rather stay.
After all, he didn't know the way.

But the waters rose higher and higher
The weather was getting dire.
Muddy all round. Stuck in the mire.
A big wave struck and they floated away.

They drifted around for days and days.
Eventually they came to dry land and landed.
On the top of a mountain. A dry spell. they're stranded.
They all came out and looked about.

Despite the flood, they were not alone.
They'd landed in some other nation's home.
The dodo and dinosaur were both dead.
But the rabbits and cockroaches had secretly bred.

They had a big boat, and embroidered their story.
They lived on their fame - and eternal glory.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Swimming And Looking Forward

Around blue pools, skyscrapers, high
Lift homes like crows' nests to the sky
From their top terrace, looking down
See toy cars crawl though our trim town

I must save this crisp image long
After I'm no longer fit, nor strong
So even were I deaf or blind
This perfect picture fills my mind

I tell myself, in this hour of leisure
I've the power to preserve this fleeting pleasure
Whether on a scaffold or hospital bed
I'll stick this mural in my head

I'll ignore or dump thoughts of future pain
But see bridges and rainbows and blue skies again
Around cool pools, skyscrapers high
Lift me to a viewpoint in the sky.

Angela Lansbury
Poem writee on Aug 1st 2019

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Romance Lost Long Ago Invading Today

You were my first love
So long ago
What if, what if
We'll never know

Recall how it began
With an angry young man
And how he danced so free
Full of wild energy

I would lurk around
My eyes on the ground
And look at you shyly
And glance at you slyly

I remember the nights
Of virgin delights
I bought your silver ring
Wond'ring what it would bring

Not a gift, at my cost
And then it was lost
But a dozen red roses
Yes, a dozen red roses

How do you see the past?
Was it too good to last?
Do you still think of me
And how things might be?

Mum who drove us asunder
Is now six foot under
And sometimes I wonder
And sometimes I wonder

I remember the day
When you walked away
With your new rucksack
And never looked back

For when I broke away
For a year and a day
I thought you might come back
On the same old track

I felt young and alive
I thought love would survive
But you would not try again
So I tried other men

I have your old photo
It brings me delight
Three decades ago
Not like now on your website

For I see you are old
For years love's been cold
You're not a teenager
But just an old stranger

Are you thinking of me?
How much would it take
To call you up now?
Would it be a mistake?

Would you just pretend
To be once more my friend?
So you could call the end
Go once more round the bend!

You're not a teenager
Just a wrinkled old stranger
And the biggest danger
That's the biggest danger

The old love keeps me fired
Because I'm feeling tired
For years love's been cold
And we're both now too old.

Dreaming of R B S, University College, 1967.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

I'd like to be a speaker

I'd like to be a fine speaker
Or a well paid m.c.
When I tell others how to speak
They say the same of me.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Who Did That?

Who Created The World?
by Angela Lansbury

Who invented the purring cat?
Who invented the barking dog?
The handy horse, donkey, camel?
The grinning goat, stoat, tasty frog?

Who invented large elephants?
The rat, red squirrel, cute dormouse?
The tall giraffe, dead dinosaur -
Both much too big for my small house!

Who made the ant and mosquito?
The snake, and friendly crocodile?
Hungry lions, bears hid in snow?
Parrots whose swearwords make us smile!

I'm sure that we shall find out soon
Who designed the planets and sun
For man's sent rockets to the moon
We've worked out how most things are done

Maybe, in Space, bright folk, like us
But twice as smart, can tell us how ...
Yet watch us silently and wait
Until we're ready - that's not now.
Copyright Angela Lansbury March 31 2019

Please see my blog on travel.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Life's Rollercoaster

Life's Rollercoaster

by Angela Lansbury

Life is a rollercoaster
Life has its ups and downs
Most of the people you meet have smiles
But a few are bound to have frowns

Life is what you make it
Most are not both deaf and blind
You can see and hear what you want
And choose what you want to find

Some days you are really well
Other days you find you're ill
You've a choice, use your voice
You can wait, or smile, or take a pill

You can try not to get depressed
You can do everything right
You can exercise and get your rest
And wait for day to follow the night

Smile at every child, woman and man
Be remembered as a sunny soul
Always do the best that you can
Forget bad parts and see the good whole

Every day somebody dies
But thousands more march on
Be silent for a moment
Then rejoin the world's wonderful song

You are a pearl in the necklace
You can be a joy in everyone's day
You can inspire them to carry on
To feel you're near when you're far away

Every mother has fears and hopes
For every child, girl or boy
Be the bad things' antidote
And add to the world's bank of joy

See how you can help others
Then you'll forget your pain
While you are busy helping them
You'll find that you're content again

You can be the teacher
The guardian angel on the shoulder
You can be the preacher
To make the timid feel bolder

You're only here for a short while
When you reach your December
Be the one who raises a smile
Who everyone loves to remember.

The roller coaster goes up and down
Please support your friends
Be the one to help them
And laugh with them 'til the triumph end.


Photo credit
Article on rollercoaster in wikipedia. Photo author Mttbme.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Morning Marvels: animal life - dogs, and snails and me

Pad, pad, pad plods the big fluffy dog
Wag, wag, wag waves its silent fur tail

Centimetre by centimetre
Slow and steady slides the spiral snail

Forward and back fan my flabby arms
Energetic, I paddle, float, swim

Thoughtful, stress-free 'though purposefully
Back-to-nature holidays begin. 
Giant snail from  Wikipedia
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