Friday, May 6, 2016

The Train Approaching

The Train Approaching
by Angela Lansbury

The train approaching platform two
Is not the train for me or you
The train approaching is not stopping
Thus evading pigeon dropping

The train's approaching very fast
We passengers think: 'Here - at last!'
It's racing past - but then it slows
To keep us hopefuls on our toes

Today I've made some mental notes
Schools close, open for adult votes
I have no need, I've done the deed
I choose my mayor with postal votes

I did not go to Northwick Park
But seedy Kenton - don't buy shares
Rebuilding, temporary bridge
I 'suppose it shows the mayor cares

The train approaching platform two
At last, the train for me and you
To a Wine Fair, we're on our way
A sunny London Transport day.
Angela Lansbury B A Hons, author, poet, performer.

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