Angela Lansbury with her lime green car. Photo by Trevor Sharot.
My lime green car looks smart, brand new
Drivers wave if they have one, too
Though really a very old car
Reliable, it takss me far
My speed's a conservative pace
An old car but with low mileage
I loved the zipped parcel shelf space
Its small boot takes too much luggage
Alas one day on the M4
A car behind like tanks in war
Rear-ended me, (no rain to blame)
Hit barrier, stopped in fast lane
A lorry driver ran to help
I gasped, 'I'm ok, block this lane!'
He turned his truck diagonally
Seen for miles, so no added pain
My car had spun right around
And scattered green metal on the ground
And there I stopped
My fault? It was not
My husband still says
It was your fault, driving too slow
He wants to share, but wasn't there
So he could not know
The AA drove me to the station
I was glad to hear what they thought
A car behind must leave room to stop
So the car behind - it's their fault
We looked for a new old car
we looked high and low
On the intenet
And, what do you know?
My husband says lime's a darker hue
I should call mine pistacchio
Just imagine a luminous green
Mine was the cleanest car you've ever seen
We found a newer old car in lime - or pistacchio
A BBC voice tells we where to go
I do not use the zip up space for maps
I use Satnav or google apps
It's another car, but looks just the same
Every day I feel like I've won life's game.
The colour still thrills me, I don't have to drive
Just looking at my green car makes me feel alive.
When you lose something, what to do?
Soemtimes a chance to try what's new
Sometimes, you'll find you don't complain
If you replace it with the same.
Lorry is British English and truck is American English but truck is recognized.
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