Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Joys of London's Underground Trains comical poem 520 by Angela Lansbury

 Brunel statue, Paddington station.

The trains are travelling round and round

The underground with their roar-in sound

The passengers are running up and down

The escalators to the underground

I love the hand-written signs

Which joke and meet and greet

And the kind souls who smile

And keenly offer me their seat

The posters give me information

Something new on every station

There's Sherlock Holmes, and Shakespeare, too

The Elizabeth line which shines brand new

With lifts which keep grandma beside

As escalator passengers ride

The safe glass doors, wide corridors

One of London's new joys for sure.

When overhead you might see rain

Waiting for buses in cold's a pain

Brunel's statue on the overground

Even more to see if you take the lift down.

Sherlock wears a deerstalker hat

I wonder if he has a map?

I'm sure he'll smile and never frown

If he finds himself on the Underground.


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