Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sun Cycles comical poem 530 by Angela Lansbury

Halong Bay, on a sunny day, Vietnam.

Every morning I see the dawn's light

Some times hesitant, others boldly bright 

And I know life's cycle's rolling again

From flu to joy and back to pain

From mist to sun and back to rain

From glad to glum, silence to hum

From footpath to river, from stream to lane

From numb to singing, from singing to dumb

And lastly we turn from day to night

Jumping the hurdles, doing our best

Life's a relay race, as we pass each test

Sure that tomorrow will bring us daylight

We know that one day we won't go on

We've done lots of right and hid lots of wrong

Some times we were silent, others sang a song

Without us the world will still go on, and on..

Each day, somewhere, a nobody dies

But each day a cute baby opens its eyes

The sun doesn't stare, like a shrug, it's there

The sun doesn't care if you washed your hair

Our life's a pearl necklace, if we want to share it

Recording each day, so others can wear it

And after we've gone, children carry on

Like a circular train, trundling on.




The Child's Bible Stories comical poem number 529 by Angela Lansbury

Antique Noah's ark toy. Photo author Thomas Quine in Wikipedia.

My favourite story was Noah's Ark

More animals than the zoo and my park

But the whole bible I'd not read at all

It's big and heavy - the print's far too small

At school I learned about day and night

Which started when God said, 'Let there be light!'

He was alone and talked to himself

Everyone knows that's not good for your health

He made Adam and Eve, some people believe

And also a snake, which was a mistake

Eveyone knows that snakes are no good

It wouldn't let ancestors do what they should

I learned father, Christmas, wore red and white

His wife, mother, Mary, held their baby tight

Three wise men rode camels, they'd missed the plane 

I'd not got it right, but no-one explained 

When you like a book, what do you do?

You ask the librarian for the book two

They renamed the bible, the 'Old' testament

And promoted the next one with the word 'New'.


Please follow my blogs and share links to your favourite poems and posts.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Up Early And Dressed comical poem number 528 by Angela Lansbury

Clock Dress label Catherine Kidston. 

I was up early at seven

Refreshed and ready, I'm in heaven

Half the jobs done by nine are mine

How much more I'll end by eleven

I've had a shower, washed and dried

My long-sleeve thermals hide inside

Dress for warm weather also cold

 Dressed young, sexy, chic, staid, old

It doesn't matter what I do

Just be ready, that is true

But add a bracelet, scarf or ring

Something red makes my heart sing

Dress in closed shoes prepared for rain

Don't yet wear open toes again

Dress in my best, just to impress

The mirror, family, the rest

I think I'll dress up every day

Fine clothes will send poor thoughts away

I'll comb my hair, wear lipstick, too

It's good for me and good for you

I'll pick my night dress from the floor

Ready to answer my front door

I'm dressed for outsides, not just ins

In case I need to move the bins

Do some sewing, check what's owing

Drink some water, lay the table

Never mind what I can't do

I'll do as much as I'm capable 

I can't hear talks, I'm finding forks

I've washed the dishes, made three wishes

Checked my emails, done some thanking, 

Last on my list, do some banking

Order eggs in the large sizes, 

For my contest dream of prizes

Move arms, legs, new exercises

Effortlessly, good surprises

Wrote a poem for my blog

Go for a walk, don't need a dog

Walk to the shops - but no stopping

Can't waste too much time on shopping

I've chosen good days and ticked best times

For firms to measure up new blinds

I've picked Roman, silk or cotton

Ticked conservatory, don't mind

Still on my list - to fix the fence

Though now it costs us pounds not pence

We also need to rebuild a wall

In one day I can't do it all

Ready to answer, 'Let's go shopping!'

For any outing, no stopping

I've had my pills and paid my bills

Just one thing left, to write our wills.


Please follow my blogs and share links to your favourite poems and posts.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Daylight comical poem number 527 by Angela Lansbury

 I see an end to the dark, silent night

Wake to the bustle and joy of daylight

I have happy thoughts that I'm keen to share

With my friends and family everywhere

When cold winter ends and warm spring has come

We can dance with flowers and jog and run

Last night I dreamed I ran a poem class

One beginner at the start, most ran past

I stuck big signs on door, Poets meet and greet

Then, slowly, pupils filled the empty seats

I taught the shortest verse line's just four words

For a simple message which must be heard

But I often count syllables of eight

Which makes more room for thoughts which I create

But if you extend up to ten or twelve

You've room for words which you don't need to shelve

My pupils' poems made a splended start 

They all wrote poems of love from their heart

Some were shy, wrote nicknames, and hid their name

Other were proud and wanted to proclaim!

Although it was a dream, I was thrilled

My mind had set a scene that was wish fulfilled

The happiness of the vision would stay

Help start with energy my joyful day

I must clean my teeth and comb my long hair

And choose my finest, gorgeous clothes to wear.

The good news is that I've another day

To make sure everything goes the right way

I read some shout and block the city street

When we've work to do and people to meet

They claim they've sympathy for others' plight

I wish that instead they would simply write.

For foreign wars and deaths are far away

The future's far away from bright today

There's always something to make someone moan

Yet I've got joy and delight in my home.


The second line of the last verse was originally

But I've been given a bright, shiny day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Magic Of A Miniature Dolls' House comical poem 526 by Angela Lansbury

Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright. March 2025.

I stopped outside a charity shop

I saw my own childhood dream

The perfect dolls house, fifteen pounds

No dolls inside, an empty scene

What is it that attracts us all

To a cute miniature dolls' house?

The teeny people, chairs and stairs

The happy hedgehog, dog, cat, mouse?

 An empty house - a big mistake

I scan online to make it right

Prices more than my Fisher Price

The cost of sets gives me a fright

All kinds of figures catch my eye

This search could waste my entire day

I must resort to DIY

Another way to waste my day

I search my big house - what to take?

Dried rosemary will make a tree.

A santa from a Christmas cake.

A key ring car- take off the key

I decorate walls as I please

Create this little house with love!

What is it that entrances us?

To see dolls still, or make them move?

Best make them match, all twelfth size

Not mix up dolls of different sizes

But it matters not to toddlers' eyes

Life's full of invention and surprises

Gran makes a doll from an old cork

A garden urn from a wooden egg cup

Dolls listen to us as we talk

Their life stories? I'll make them up!

I'm sure my grand-daughter will love it

Cares not what's costly, what is free

I may pretend that it's for her

Yet, in a way, it's just for me.


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Nits Driving Them Nuts comical poem 525 by Angela Lansbury

 Nits are going around the school

Grand-child hot-headed, now is cool

Parents invested in nit combs

They did not want nits in their homes

Nit comb from bent twigs, about 2700 B C E.Wikipedia.

I asked family round for tea

But now hear they're more sick than me

So it's a case of wait and see

And hope they don't see two, or three

I phoned and heard they used a gel

And for the moment all is well

They'll repeat in a week or two

So nothing's passed to me and you.

When you're widowed you cry a bit

And seek consolation in verse

And think you've faced fate's hardest knocks

There cannot be anything worse

But toothache strikes, and then the flu

Things can get worse, I know it's true

The only thing that I can say

It's good when small things go away

I know I can't bring back the dead

All I ask is a little plus

Get rid of tootheache, and the nits

And vomiting nonovirus

When loved ones are no longer near

I pray aloud for fate to hear

When struck down by an urgent task

Just cure these ills - that's all I ask.


Saturday, March 1, 2025

I Must Protest comical poem 524 by Angela Lansbury

We've had Stop Oil

And Stop the War

I guess you've heard

It all before

Now Farmers  - should

Teachers deplore?

I wonder if

I should do more

I should explain

The simple facts

All want more pay

Service, less tax

I must protest

Not blocking roads

Not shouting, nor

Raising banners

I must protest

Not marching on

Nor screaming out

I've good manners

Ah counter. Angela Lansbury.

I must protest

Not throw hammers

I'll just correct

Others' grammars

I must protest

Life can't get worse

Drop punctua-

Tion nto verse.

I claim spell check

Should bear the bleme

Yet sometimes I

Miss spell my name

I shall not sing

Nor throw a fit

But at least, dears,

I've done my bit

I'll simply type

Out abc

Chant loud praise of

The dictionary

I can't do more

I've done my best

To help you laugh

Through today's test

Now that I've got it

It off my chest

We deserve drinks

A little rest.
