Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Quick Change From Zero To Hero comic poem 490 by Angela Lansbury

Angela Lansbury, in London, December 2024. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

From water to wine

From wine to water

In moderation,

Smiles, not loud laughter

There was some laughter

I learned a lot

From the new contacts

I have got

I have a lot

Of tales to tell

The best news is

That I slept well

From friend to lover

From drunk to sober

From youth to wisdom

I'm not hungover

From wake to stare

From now to where

From here to there

From table to chair

From walk to talk

From board to chalk

From reader to preacher

From learner to teacher

From search to mess

From shower to dress

From smile to kissed

From wrist to list

From what shall I say

To have a nice day

From inner swearword

To please go away

From a simple poem

To lots of knowing

From understanding

To telling and showing

From minus one

To starting snowing

From getting ready

To I'm not going

From late breakfast

To a late lunch

From Americanisms

To thanks - a bunch

To wondering whether

I'm wasting time

From checking my clock

Your time or mine

From ups and downs

To shrugging off pains

From smiles to frowns

Write down small gains

From getting a parcel

To thanks to send

From a stranger

To a new friend

From day to night

In winter time

The days are short

In a seasonal climes

Just when you bought 

Big winter boots

The garden shows

Small green spring shoots

From wondering what

Is round life's bend

From a quick start

To surprise sudden end.
